Animal Welfare Association of colorado
Humane communities for all pets and people.
Advancing Collaboration, Advocacy, Animal Care and Control, and Professional Development in the Colorado Animal Welfare Community.
What We Do
The Animal Welfare Association of Colorado was formed by the historic merger of two organizations in 2020. Two longstanding organizations, the Colorado Association of Animal Control Officers and the Colorado Federation of Animal Welfare Agencies, merged to better serve all of the professionals in the state’s animal welfare and care and control organizations.
AWAC exists to focus on issues that affect animals and communities in Colorado. Through professional development, advocacy, and collaboration, AWAC represents a powerful voice in the protection of companion animals in Colorado. AWAC is committed to enhancing the Colorado network of humane communities for all pets and people.
Member Agreement
As members of AWAC we:
- Communicate respectfully and directly
- Comply with applicable laws, rules and ordinances
- Participate in our communities and coalitions
- Refuse to use the term “kill” to describe agencies and their process of thoughtful euthanasia
- Live, every day, AWAC shared values
Animal Control
The purpose of the Animal Control Committee is to:
- Advance professionalism by providing quality education and training opportunities that are specific and unique to animal control officers
- Represent animal control issues and concerns in organizational
advocacy efforts
- Foster a culture of collaboration to support animal control agencies throughout Colorado
Our Shared Values

The Five Freedoms
We believe animals have the right to freedom from hunger or thirst; freedom from discomfort; freedom from pain, injury or disease; freedom to express normal behaviors; and freedom from fear and distress.

We feel deep empathy for animals and people who are suffering.

We believe working together increases our collective achievements for animals and our communities.
Our Mission:
Advancing Collaboration, Advocacy and Professional Development within the Colorado Animal Welfare and Control Community.
Our Vision:
Colorado is a state of socially conscious animal and humane communities for all pets and people.
Save the Date!
Jan. 15, Feb. 19, March 19, April 16 - CLAW Caucus at the Capitol
April 15-16, 2025 - Spring Training for Animal Control Officers at the Douglas County Fairgrounds and events Center, CaStle Rock
Aug. 19-21, 2025, The Colorado Animal Welfare Conference in Lakewood, CO at the Sheraton Denver West

Quality Of Life
We are committed to the health and safety of pets and people in our communities.

We are responsible for continuously seeking and sharing knowledge and resources.

We hold ourselves accountable to our partners and community through transparency.
Colorado Animal Welfare Conference

2025 Conference
Attend the Colorado Animal Welfare Conference to learn the latest techniques, see the newest equipment, and continue your career path as you’re inspired by leadership and animal welfare experts. Your investment in yourself results in improved work environments and higher achieving teams. We look forward to seeing you August 19-21, 2025 at the Sheraton Denver West in Lakewood, Colo.
Early bird prices
Watch for details about early-bird pricing and when registration is open.
Discounted prices
Discounted prices are available for members of the Animal Welfare Association of Colorado.