2024 Conference Sponsors

Colorado Animal Welfare Conference Logo

Thank you to our sponsors.

Support from our sponsors allows the Colorado Animal Welfare Conference to keep registration fees at an affordable level. Our sponsors have an opportunity to network with field service staff, shelter staff members, and leaders from organizations in Colorado and throughout the region. Attendees can network with businesses to learn techniques and discover items that improve environments for animals.

Sponsorship at the Colorado Animal Welfare Conference provides an opportunity to reach those who work directly in the animal welfare profession and animal care and control agencies.

The Colorado Animal Welfare Conference would not be possible without the generous support of our sponsors. Please visit them in the exhibit area during the conference. Complete your “sponsor passport” to qualify for prize drawings.

Premier Sponsors: $10,000

Animal Assistance Foundation Trans

Leading Sponsors: $7,500

Presenting Sponsors: $5,000

Petco Foundation

Track Sponsors: $3,000

Michelson Found Animals

Major Sponsors: $1,500

Animal Arts
Animal Arts

Workshop Sponsors: $750

Humane Society Pikes Peak Region
Adopt A Pet

Support Sponsors: $500

Humane Society Of USA
Humane Society Of USA

Want to be a sponsor?