Colorado Animal Welfare Conference Session

Bureau of Animal Protection/PACFA Program Updates


3:15-4:30pm • Day 3 – August 28, 2024

Westminster Ballroom III

Robyn Levy

Nick Fisher

Nick Fisher is the section chief for the Pet Animal Care Facilities Act (PACFA) Program at the Colorado Department of Agriculture. He has more than 30 years of experience in law enforcement and animal welfare. Prior to managing PACFA, Fisher managed two animal shelters, served as a police officer, and served as the supervisor of a police department animal control and park enforcement unit for several years.

Robyn Levy

Dr. Courtney Diehl

Dr. Courtney Diehl has 23 years of experience as a mixed animal field services  veterinarian. She has worked extensively with members of law enforcement on animal cruelty investigations and has provided expert witness testimony on multiple cruelty cases. She is currently the program manager for the Bureau of Animal Protection.