Colorado Animal Welfare Conference Session
Forensic Case Studies
1:30-3pm • Day 3 – August 28, 2024
Westminster Ballroom III
Field Services
This session will provide a review of real-life veterinary forensic cases. The cases selected will represent some of the more common types of animal cruelty cases we encounter. lncluded will be case examples of negligence and non-midental injury {NAl}, such as starvation, blunt force trauma, and gunshot wounds.
The goal of this session will be to encourage audience participation through questions and discussion.

Dr. Jennifer Rainey
I currently work as the forensic veterinarian at the Humane Society of the Pikes Peak Region. I received a bachelor’s degree in Pre-vet/Wildlife Biology from Auburn University in 1998. I completed my DVM at the University of California, Davis. Most recently, I received a bachelor of science degree in criminal justice with a focus in forensic investigation from Colorado Technical University followed by a master’s degree in veterinary forensic sciences from the University of Florida.